It has been such a long time since I have last written and I am so sorry about that. Especially to those who actually read them, because you're the reason I write them at all. Truth is, life has gotten a little messy since I have last written which was in November of 2019. Lets just say school, work, social life and COVID has really been dragging me down for a while and I felt like I was drowning in so much unnecessary worries. Something that has been on my heart for a while is the word CHANGE. I think we can all agree that everything happening right now is just overwhelming and extremely inconvenient. It sucks to say the least. But I've been thinking and finally putting into words how COVID and all this change in life is affecting us. And, by unpopular opinion, I honestly think we needed this. The Earth needed it too. But enough about COVID, I want to talk about change in general.
Change is one of those things we all have to face and the scary part is that we don't know how it will affect us. For the good or for the bad, regardless, change can be scary and life altering. The thing about change is that it's ongoing. If we don't change, we don't grow and if we don't grow, are we really even truly living?
If you don't know much about me, I am a 20 year old, now senior in college studying communication studies. But growing up I struggled. I struggled with a lot, like a normal person would. And one of the hardest things I had to do as a kid was try my best to grow up normally with change constantly happening around me. My family and I moved across the country multiple times, starting new schools and beginning again. It was hard, especially as a little 13 year old girl trying to understand where she belonged in this world. So, with all that, I mentally had to grow up faster than the other kids. But I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. I am who I am because of that. I also got to see so many amazing places, meet great people and become friends with some of the greatest people ever.
However, change isn't always what's going on around you, change is also what is going on within you.
Your attitude.
Your emotions.
Your inner voice.
Your mindset.
I've learned that changing your mindset and attitude about something really does make your life much happier and easier. I think there is always a brighter side to everything and I have faith in my God that whatever is happening in my life, and how I feel mentally, physically and emotionally, he will take care of it. I have to remember that I have to have faith in the uncertainty, because some of the best things in life are in those times. I know that God will prepare me for what's to come, even when I don't feel ready.
It doesn't matter what season of life you're in. All of the seasons have good things about all of them and some not so good things. But, changing how you view this season you're in, and the attitude you have towards it, you find happiness. You get to choose how you want to feel. And if you are feeling like you can't, and it's overwhelming, turn to God. Cast all your worries, anxieties and sadness onto him, and I promise, he will give you peace.
"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of Heaven is near" -Matthew 3:2
COVID has changed so many lives and I truly believe nothing will be the same when this is over. But if you think about. Our Earth is healthier again, people are learning the importance of cleanliness and social distancing, and we're all in it together. No one is suffering alone. We will get through this because God's will shall be done.