I haven't always struggled with anxiety. I'd stay it started to become noticeable through high school, following me and getting worse in college. For me, often times my life feels unorganized, chaotic and for lack of better words, makes me want to hit my head up against a wall. When life does feel this way, I know that anxiety is not far behind and just waiting to sneak up on me and make everything even worse.
Everyone can get anxious from time to time. Whether it's because of tests, speeches, presentations, job interviews, etc. It's normal to be nervous. But to be anxious and to actually have anxiety is a bit different. It's a different feeling than just normal nerves. It almost consumes all of your thoughts and often can trigger unhealthy behaviors or habits. Those who struggle with anxiety know that it's hard. It's hard to constantly feel like your life is falling apart, or that you're out of control. I know how you feel. But you're not alone, and here is the amazing part, amongst everything in your chaotic life, there is peace. It's the type of peace where weight feels like it is lifted off of your shoulders. The kind that sets our hearts at ease. The kind that is beyond anyone's comprehension. It's the peace that only God offers.
Peace to the restless soul.
Peace when my thoughts wage war.
Peace to the anxious heart.
Peace when my fear takes hold.
Peace when I feel enclosed.
Peace when I lose control.
- "PEACE" by Hillsong Young & Free
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ"
-- Philippians 4:7
I know this blog post is a little short, but I just wanted to encourage you that when you feel anxious, turn to God. He will fill you with hope and peace and he will protect you from invading lies, toxic thoughts and fear. I know it can be difficult and scary, but trust me when I say that it is freeing knowing that God promises to give you peace and when you ask for it, he keeps his promises.
If you have a minute, please listen to this song. It has helped me through a lot and I don't doubt it could help someone else.