I've been anxious to write this since I've gotten back, but I guess I've had trouble finding the right words to even describe the amount of love, culture, wisdom and community I have experienced on this trip.
I want to start by saying thank you to all the people who supported me by donating or even just praying for me. This trip has been a true gift and I will remember it for the rest of my life. There are a million things I could say about how I felt or what I did and every single detail about this trip, but I think that might take a lifetime to express, so I'll give you the summarized version.
For those of you who do not know already, I went on a missions trip to Kyiv, Ukraine this last month for two weeks with my school. We call them TAG trips (Trevecca Around the Globe). Not going to lie, leading up to the trip I was a little hesitant. I hardly knew any of the girls I was traveling with, had no idea what to expect, and of course, I knew none of the language. Getting closer to the trip, I almost began doubting if I was really supposed to be going. Of course I was excited, but there was a small part of me that felt a rush of anxiety when the subject came up.
Little did I know, the group of girls that I traveled with are the best group of girls I will have ever gotten the privilege of meeting. I absolutely loved getting to know each and every one of them and how different, yet similar we all were.
And thank goodness for google translate and Russian speaking translators.
As for my trip. The first week was packed. We did get one day of pure tourism around the city of Lviv (which we road the train for 6 hours to get to). We got a chance to see the beautiful architecture of the city, take cute pictures, bond and have fun. After that, we had to get down to business. The rest of the week was filled with visiting cathedrals in the mornings and prepping for VBS in the afternoons. We even went to a local park close to the church we were staying at and played with kids, inviting them to our VBS. It was tiring, but extremely fun.
A couple of us girls actually got the chance to lead worship for church that Sunday and it was the best time I've had on stage in a while. I loved worshiping with them and with the church.
Our second week was all VBS. And after all the planning, and the decorating, and the playing/inviting kid to VBS, almost thirty kids ending up showing up. It was truly amazing.
Now, that might now sound like much to you, but to me, every moment was my favorite. I honestly wish I could go back. The people I met there were have opened my eyes and helped me see the world in a different perspective. And even after seeing Ukraine's nature, beautiful architecture, breathtaking views, the people were the hardest to say goodbye to. And yes, I cried. I cried a lot actually. After VBS was over, I didn't cry because I was necessarily close or attached to any of the kids. I cried because I saw those sweet little faces after hugging me goodbye and I lost it. I knew that the overwhelming feeling rushing over me was to pray for them. Pray for each and every one of their walks with Christ and so I did. I hope to see them again one day.
Now, I am thankful that I didn't listen to that small part of me. God knew what he was doing when he put this team together and sent us to this specific place. And I am so honored to have been apart of it.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, don't hesitate to message me!! I love taking about this trip!