Not going to lie, 2018 kinda sucked. But, if I were to really look back, I have kinda even had a rough past 2 years. From traumatizing events, to struggling with getting through my first year of college, figuring out who I was and am as a person, to losing people in my life along the way.
I know my usual blogs are mostly encouraging messages on my life experiences and my personal stories about my relationship with God, however, since it is the last day of the year, I thought this time I would focus on a few things that I have learned the past year. My 2018 rewind.
1. Some people were not meant to stay in your life forever.
People you get close to and choose to share parts of your life are not always meant to last. Sometimes, you have to let people go, especially if they are toxic in your life. The people in your life are meant to be there, but not all of them are meant to stay until the end.
2. Tomorrow is not a promise.
It's scary to think that there couldn't be a tomorrow. We don't know when our last day or even last moment will be. I feel like I have bee caught up in what I expect my future to look like, and what I should or shouldn't have done in the past. It distracted me from seeing everything happening in front of me. No one knows what is to come, and tomorrow isn't a promise. We have to live our lives and treat others today like it could be the last time. Get out of your comfort zone, take a risk, do something fun, love the people in your life.
3. Time is precious.
Time goes by so fast. I can't believe how fast it goes and it kind of scares me. Things you spend your time doing are important. I have realized that there were so many opportunities and fun things I missed out on because I used my time so poorly. I personally have to remember to prioritize my time, especially as a college student.
I have a good feeling about 2019. I have been praying for a while about it, and I'm feeling good. I have a feeling it will include many life altering changes, but I know I am ready. I'll just be living my life, one day at a time and being the best version of myself I can be. I think it's time for a new Hannah. And I know it's stupid to say 'new year, new me' so I won't say that. But I do however, hope that in beginning a new year will bring out a newer, better, healthier, happier me. Well, I guess this is goodbye for the rest of the year.. see you next year ;)