We are our worst critics. We look in the mirror and see everything wrong with us and all the imperfections magnified in a way that other people just don't see.
I've been seeing a counselor for a little while now, which I advise everyone to do at least once in their life, and we have been working on my self love and confidence. My counselor made me make a list of everything I didn't like about myself physically/mentally and explain why. Even though it was long and wasn't hard to make since I already knew what I didn't like, but reading it out loud made me feel petty and completely crazy. Like when I thought about it, I realized that I was being extremely harsh and that no one probably even notices 85% of my flaws.
See the thing is, of course there will always be things we don't like about ourselves regardless if it's something you can change or not.
Something to ask yourself is, is the reason you don't like those things because it's not beautiful?
Then ask yourself, who is telling you those things are not beautiful? Because I can probably bet you that no one but yourself is telling you those things.
Satan is very sneaky. He knows exactly what gets to us, and uses it to tear us down. For me, and I'd guess for a lot of people, it's my own mind. How I think about things, especially myself. See, these toxic thoughts are not the kind of thoughts we just think up, they are planted there to poison us and make us feel worthless. He tempts us when we are vulnerable. He emphasizes choices based on our desires, not God's.
Don't let Satan whisper lies in your ear. Remember to whom you belong. You are God's masterpiece. We are all wonderfully made, and every single one of us are special. You are beautiful.
Next time you look in the mirror, say "Your name, you are in charge of your own happiness, you are a beautiful child of God and be proud of who you were created to be."