I know my usual posts are about encouragement, advice, and God. But I felt like switching things up and telling you my experience as being a Pastor's kid, in other words, a PK.
I grew up with two older brothers and the most loving parents I could have imagined. I was fortunate to have been born into such a great christian family. I thank God everyday for them.
My dad was called into ministry and became a youth pastor before I was born. But, when I was 4 years old, my dad became a senior pastor and my parents planted a church in Denver, Colorado called Faith Venture. I grew up going to this church extremely early in the morning. This was because we held our church in an elementary school located about 30 minutes away from where we lived, and we had to set up every Sunday. Then we would stay long afterwords to take it down. I was only a little kid, I didn't pay too much attention to what was going on, and I'm sure my parents tried very hard to shield us from everything, but there was a lot going on. I knew that my parents were frustrated of the work they were putting in and the amount of time it took to get a church off the ground, along with finding leaders and people.
March, 2007 my dad fell off a ladder and almost died (maybe a story for another time). He was out of the church for 3 months, but got sick again and was gone for even more months. When he finally returned, my family felt that instead of the church holding us up, they had turned away from us. I was 10 years old when my dad resigned, and we left Colorado. His time at Faith Venture was over. August, 2010 we traveled on the road for 3 days to move in with my grandparents in Ashland, Kentucky. It was our season of waiting for what was to come next. It was a rough time for all of us, but in June, 2011 my dad was offered a job as lead pastor to a broken church in Corvallis, Oregon. So, of course, we packed up our stuff and left. Traveling on the road for 5 days, we finally made it. We made it our home for 6 years. After I graduated, I left for college at Trevecca and the rest is history. But for my family, it was November, 2017 that my family moved across the country once more to Pompano Beach, Florida. Of course it was weird for me to come home for Christmas to a completely new home, new church, and new people, but it was also a blessing. Now, we have yet to see what is in store for us.
Being a child of a Pastor definitely isn't something out of the ordinary, nor is it a burden. However, in certain circumstances, it would be difficult to understood unless you have actually lived it.
Like to everything else in this world, there are perks and good things about being a PK, and of course then there are the tough things that comes with the job. While growing up in a loving family, I felt like I was being put up on a pedestal by the church most of the time. All eyes on me. Making sure I did nothing wrong. I had to be an angel child. It was hard on me, because it caused me to constantly feel like I wasn't good enough or that I couldn't do anything right. It's hard trying to be what everyone expects of me, but I've learned that it isn't worth it. My self-esteem and well being is not worth trying to make everyone pleased, which is nearly impossible to do. I will be the best me I can be, but I'm not here to please everyone. Just doing my thang, and living my life for God.
Thank you for reading! Keep a lookout for new blogs coming soon! I love you all xoxo
Down below is a favorite picture of me and my parents. I love them so much, and I thank them for everything.