In God I trust; I shall not be afraid --Psalm 56:4
If you didn't already know, I was suppose to be going on a mission trip to Haiti with a group of college girls from my school. As time drew closer, I was starting to be scared to go. What if this happens, what if that happens? And I realized that these "What If" questions were just holding me back, making me obsessively overthink situations that were mostly likely not going to happen. We need to stop asking these questions!! They are toxic, and anxiety does not need to be buried within you while God is trying to get to you. Do not let fear of anything keep you from living your life like Jesus and doing what you were meant to do.
We're all afraid of something, if not, multiple things. Speaking from experience, I am often afraid of being asked to do something by God. And I'm not talking about if God tugs my heart to go pray for someone or to talk to a certain person. I'm talking about the life changing things. Where I go to school, what major I choose, who I will be with for the rest of my life. I don't know about you, but for me, I'm terrified. What if God asks me to do something that I just can't do? What if this alters my whole life? What if I mess up?
I think this all comes down to, maybe it's not the fear of being asked to do something, but the fears of change, disapproval, or lack of confidence. These fears are all psychological and hold you back from your full potential. There is nothing to be afraid of, because God will always be there to protect us, if we let him. Those life changing moments are set in your life for a reason to ultimately lead you in the direction that God has planned for you. So, with that said, we need to trust that God has us in his hands and will carry us through the tough situations and hard decisions.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. --Isaiah 41:10
My trip to Haiti was actually canceled due it being really dangerous in Haiti right now. Many awful things are happening in this country and it was unsafe for us to travel. I just encourage you guys to keep Haiti in your prayers!