Three things will last forever. Faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is LOVE. --1 Corinthians 13:13
After 18 years, I've learned a lot about love, compassion, and forgiveness. Of course, I've got much more to learn. However, with everything that I've learned in my life so far, it's love that is the most important, the most complex, and the hardest to comprehend sometimes. See, it's easy for us to love our family and friends, obviously, but when it comes to finally settling on that one person that will ultimately be the rest of your life, love becomes this tricky, and powerful word that seems to drive people insane.
Looking back, I was never the girl that had a boyfriend. Sure I had many crushes, and the occasional texting relationship, which usually didn't last more than a week or so. As for a true relationship, I never had one. Personally, I took offence to the fact that no guys ever liked me, or at least didn't pursue me. I began to think that it was because I wasn't pretty enough, or not skinny enough, or that I was the palest person on this planet. Trust me, I thought of it all. I doubted myself a long time because I felt like I was never good enough for anyone.
Going into college was rough because it seemed like everyone was getting into relationships, or getting engaged, and I felt really overwhelmed like I would have to find someone or I would end up alone with a hundred cats and dogs. But eventually, I realized that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I came to college to get a degree. I also realized that the reason I was never in relationships growing up was not because I was ugly or fat. It was because I've always been a very strong, independent girl who has high standards and her priorities straight. But, most importantly, because God was saving me from heartbreak.
To this day, I am learning patience and to be in Gods time. I won't go looking for love just because I want a boyfriend. No. The only love, I'll be looking for is the unconditional, never ending, and amazing love from God. I am going to let love find me, instead of searching for it and losing sight of what's really important.