There is a desire in us to be on top. To constantly change ourselves to reach what we think is perfection. In reality, we are tearing apart what God has created us to be."Perfect" is a relative term. It doesn't actually exist. It's just a word that society has used to set a certain standard for what you should be or how you should act. What are we doing to ourselves?
I recently watched a video in my English class called "Doll Face". This short film depicted a box in which contained a (low key creepy) robot with a girls face. Above the robot, was a TV showing another girls face. The robot begins to put on makeup to try to look like the girl on the TV. After, the TV moves and shows a different more beautiful girl. The Robot follows the TV and begins to change herself again in order to look like the next girl. This continues until the TV is just too far away and the Robot can't reach it. Still trying to reach the TV, it eventually breaks.
Now, with that said.. What does that mean? And what does that have to do with anything? Well, good question. We are the robot inside the box. We are the robot inside our comfort zone. The TV is society or media in general. The TV shows what society has prompted as the initial standard. And if we don't look like that, then we're not good enough or pretty enough. We change ourselves to reach the standard but the TV keeps moving. Further and further away, but we keep trying to reach it until.. we eventually break.
What lies. You're not good enough? You're not pretty enough? Have you forgotten who created you? God created you just the way you're supposed to be.
You therefore must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. -- Matthew 5:48
I know it's hard to be yourself and to be comfortable in who you are instead of someone better because I struggle with it everyday. Honestly, I would rather be anyone else than myself most days. But, it's okay because I'm starting to love being me. Sure, I have things I need to work on to be all that I can be as a person.
But, I've realized that I am important.
I have a purpose.
I was created for a reason and I intend to live my life for Jesus.
I may not be "perfect" but in God's eyes, I am everything I need to be.
No more struggling to become something that I'm just not. Why would I want to be anything other than what God has created me to be?
I have decided to focus on myself. No one else. To stop comparing myself to people and things I wish I had. Trying to reach for "perfection"is impossible. Don't let it break you.
If you'd like to watch the short film, here is the link!!